A pocket-size book containing the standard operating procedures in the company is issued to each guard. This rule book is compiled from years of monthly memos which have been given out to guards and is a result of hands-on experience. It contains the do’s and the don’ts of the company.
Each month, a memo is distributed between the guards in order to keep them updated with the latest developments in the company. The author of this book has 30 years of experience in the security/investigation/training industry. The rules written in this book are not only there to guide the guard but also to protect him. The policy of this company must be enforced in order to keep the discipline.
Because you are a part of the USEC SECURITY family, all our customers have access to many free value-added services:
- Armed response – (units are dispatched from the control room)
- 24-Hour patrols
- 24-Hour armed response and reaction
- 24-Hour paramedic services
- Trauma counselling
- Sexual assault clinic
- Animal poisoning support unit
- Crises invention centre
- Residential and commercial guarding
Whether you need a guard for a few hours or on a long-term basis, USEC SECURITY has got you covered. Our guarding solutions can be contracted on a shift-by-shift basis or permanently, where applicable and required. We offer complex security, estate guarding, street guards or just about any type of unarmed guarding solution you might need.